Learn Play With Light
Learn to Play With Light, for Planning Great Portraits
Learn Play With Light for Planning Great Portraits. Portrait Photography has been around since almost the birth of Photography itself. In the early days sensitivities were slow and needed people to stay still for a period of time to get the Portrait done. It was obviously a shorter time than painting but still required posing and planning. Portraits are great to do because even though they are very abundant, you can still find innovative ways in which many photographers are achieving portraiture, and when doing portraits as well.
One of the most important parts of General Photography is the workflow, and Portrait, being such a huge branch of Photography, is not an exception. Every photographer has a workflow that will scope between planning and creative improvisation, but planning should always be welded to every photographer’s workflow. Portraits can be posed or candid, they can be done to strangers, or to clients. But the common element here is lighting. You’ll almost always have available natural light natural that can be aided by artificial light. And here comes the main point of this personal opinion of mine, you should plan light, and everything will result GREAT.LLearn Play With Light I love to do light scripts before any kind of portrait project, and this little fella has helped me a lot with this:
For me, natural light is the most beautiful of lights, but it’s very difficult to control it since it goes along with time during the day, and also with weather and the elements. So help of getting a session done with artificial filling light is crucial for portraits. Lea
rn Play For understanding light, you don’t need high-tech equipment, you just need to play with fixed lights and a small doll to truly understand it. Going back in time to your childhood when you used to play with lights and shadows, is going to be almost the same, and you’ll find that you are pretty good at understanding light by doing things this way.
When you start to Learn To Play With Light For Planning Great Portraits, you can define all of these variables when playing with light in a previous exercise to the light scripts:
Quantity of light sources
By defining this, you can see the importance of master lights and fill lights. Or in the best cases, natural light and artificial light aid.L
You can determine the effects on the mood, by increasing or decreasing the intensity of your light source, it’s important to have at least one light source that allows you to do this
Light can be warm or cool, the temperature of light goes in accordance with white balance and Kelvin degrees.
You can appreciate the effects of the light source by moving it close or far from your prop or light test doll, o like this case using a beautiful model. Learn to Play With Light, For Planning Great Portraits Diego photography-Blog by Diego Salcedo
This is the direction in which the light beam baths the subject.
Go back to the time when you used to play and be fascinated by small things, and you’ll see how great is to understand light in this practical and humble form. L
Diego Salcedo
To learn more about lights techniques:

” Atlanta Portrait Photographer Turn A Photo Into A Work Of Art”
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